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Loyalty Program

Have questions about our Loyalty Program? Check out the frequently asked questions below!

Q - How do I become a member of It's Scrapicated's Loyalty Program?

A - It is super duper easy!

     1. Go to

     2. Look in the bottom left corner of any page for the teal box that says Loyalty Points. On a mobile device, it will look like a teal gift.


     3. Click Loyalty Points button and either Sign Up if you do not have a current account OR Log In if you have an It's Scrapicated account already.

     4. Enter your information then click CREATE to create your account

OR enter your email and password from your account and click SIGN IN.

     5. Once logged in, you will be able to see your orders. If you click the Loyalty Points tab you can see how many points you have, earn points, & see if you have any rewards!


Q -  How do I earn points?

A - You can earn points from purchases, telling us your birthday, and leaving a review!


Q - How do I see how many points I have?

A - Once you have logged into your account, your points will be next to the Loyalty Points button at the bottom left of every page.


Q - How do I redeem my points?

A - Select the tab called Redeem Points. Here you will see all the rewards we offer. If you have enough points, you can redeem them for a reward.

Q - Is there a limit to the number of points I can earn?

A - Nope! Earn as many as you can!

Q - What do the 'approved', 'pending', and 'cancelled' statuses mean?

  • Approved: These points can be redeemed on rewards immediately
  • Pending: These points need to be verified before you can redeem them. This typically applies to purchases and referrals
  • Cancelled: These points will not be added to your account. For example, this will happen if you cancel a purchase (the points will change from pending to cancelled)

Q - Why did my account balance go down?

A - You, or someone you referred, cancelled or returned a purchase.

Q - I completed an activity but didn't earn points!

A - It can sometimes take a few minutes for us to process your activity and provide your points.

Q - Can I use my points during checkout?

A - Not directly - please redeem your points for a voucher/code which can then be applied during checkout.

Q - How do I leave the program?

A - If you no longer wish to earn points, please contact us and ask to be unenrolled. We'll unenroll you and you will lose any points you have accrued.

Q - What happens if I leave and decide to join again?

A - Just contact us and we'll re-enroll you. However, your point total will begin from zero.

Q - Where can I report a problem or give feedback?

A - Please send a message to

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